JPS to Complete Power Restoration in Some Difficult Areas Today

Friday, August 20, 2021 / 5:30am

JPS teams will continue restoration work this morning, as the company aims to get service back to customers in some of the most difficult areas today.

“We are at the most challenging stage of the restoration process, and progress may be slow,” explains Winsome Callum, JPS’ Director of Corporate Communications.  “At this stage, we are trying to get electricity restored in areas that are still inaccessible by service vehicles due to landslides and impassable roadways. Our teams are working to repair power lines that go through ravines and gullies. We are also focusing on getting service to individual customers who have been without electricity because of problems on their premises,” she says.

Some of the communities in which JPS teams will be working today are:

  • Clarendon: Pedro River
  • Kingston & St Andrew: Juba Spring, Goffe Road, Mount Industry, St Faith’s Luna, Essex Hall, Johncrow Spring, Essex, Louisburg, Sand River, Hopewell, Marlborough, Rock Spring, Rock River, Scott’s Hall, Lienster, Job’s Field, Seaton, Providence, Grandiole, Gibb’s Hill
  • Manchester: Buttup
  • Portland: Section of Silver Hill
  • St Ann: Retreat, Standfast
  • St Catherine: Jubilee Town, Top Jackson, China Street, Boys Content, Crawle, Lewis Burge, Stableton, Top Mountain, Pear Tree Grove, Top Jackson,
  • St Mary: Rosend, Colerain, Green Castle, Well Road, Tinsbury, Long Road, Pleasant Hill, Baxter Mountain, Camberwell, Robin’s Bay
  • St Thomas: Moffat District, Hagleys, Penlyne Castle, Carrick Hill
  • Westmoreland: Roaring River

“We thank our customers for your patience and understanding. Every effort is being made to restore service to everyone as quickly as possible. Please bear with us. Electricity is dangerous to work with, and we must work according to international safety standards in order to protect our workers, customers, and the electricity network,” Ms. Callum stresses.

JPS is reminding members of the public to stay away from fallen poles and power lines, as the lines may be energised and could cause electrocution or electrical burns. Customers are also encouraged to report outages using the JPS Mobile App or the company’s website at