JPS Calls on Government to Regulate Inspection & Certification Fees – Urges Consumers to Negotiate Prices

JPS Calls on Government to Regulate Inspection & Certification Fees

–        Urges Consumers to Negotiate Prices



November 26, 2021


JPS is shocked at the recent spike in the cost of the mandatory inspection and certification of properties to receive electricity. With the privatization of electrical inspection, customers are now required to pay upward of $25,000 before their property can be certified. This is a new cost that customers must now pay in addition to the electricians’ fees and the cost of house wiring. Many consumers are complaining, because they cannot afford to pay these high fees.


Under the law, premises must be inspected and certified by the Government before JPS connection. This is critical for the safety of consumers. As at November 1, the Government has transitioned to a new system, where licensed electricians and private inspectors are now responsible for certification. They are free to set their own fees.  With too few inspectors, the demand is great and prices are very high. JPS recognised the burden for customers and urged the Government in October to impose a cap on the charges for inspection.


“The new inspection and certification fees are a real deterrent to persons who want to legally connect to the grid. We do not believe consumers are getting fair prices,” explained Ramsay McDonald, JPS Senior VP Customer Services. “We are therefore encouraging the Government to regulate these fees and expand the pool of licensed electricians and inspectors certified to offer their services. We also urge consumers to shop around and negotiate for the best prices for these services,” Mr. McDonald said.


“Properly wired and certified installations are prerequisites for legally connecting to the grid and receiving safe metered supply of electricity. Unreasonably high prices for these services will encourage electricity theft, which costs all customers, and expose communities to more electrical safety hazards. That’s definitely not something that we want for our customers or our country,” the JPS Senior VP stressed.

Persons needing information about their electrical inspections should contact the Government Electrical Regulator within the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology at (876) 934-6496, (876) 276-7530 or visit: