JPS Board Approves Hurricane Beryl Relief Programme

(Kingston – Tuesday, July 23, 2024)   The JPS Board of Directors has announced a Hurricane Beryl Relief Programme, following the far-reaching impact of the recent hurricane on its operations and, by extension, its customers.

“We regret the recent billing experience of our customers, based on the fact that we had very little choice but to issue estimated bills to some customers following the disruption of our operations by the hurricane,” said Damian Obiglio, JPS Chairman and Acting President & CEO. “The fact is, JPS is mandated to issue bills to its customers for 30-day period.  We used the standard methodology established by the OUR to calculate estimated bills.”

“In light of the likely impact on our customers, JPS has subsequently submitted a proposal to the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) requesting a review of the mechanism for calculating estimated bills, specifically for customers impacted by extended outages as a result of Hurricane Beryl. The objective is to minimize the impact on persons who could end up being worst off as a result of being estimated using the regulatory prescribed methodology,” Obiglio explained.

Discounts for Customers Who Use 150kWh or Less

JPS has also announced plans to give discounts to approximately 350,000 JPS Residential customers, under the JPS Hurricane Beryl Relief Programme. The Company will be giving a 20% discount off the bills of customers who use 150 kWh of electricity or less for the month. This discount will be applied to current charges and will be reflected on bills that customers will start receiving in August. Active prepaid residential customers will get a one-off $1,500 top-up electricity credit on their accounts.

Relaxed Collections & Disconnection Processes

Recognizing the far-reaching impact of Hurricane Beryl on its customers, JPS has relaxed its Collections and Disconnection processes. The Company has not disconnected customers for non-payment of bills since the passage of the hurricane, and will continue to suspend disconnections up to August 15. JPS will also continue to facilitate flexible payment arrangements for customers who need extensions on their due dates. Requests are being dealt with on a case by case basis, so persons requiring extensions can make their request using the myJPS Mobile App or by contacting the JPS Customer Care Centre.

Community Connection

The JPS Foundation has been leading community outreach activities to support customers in the hard-hit parishes with their post-hurricane recovery. So far, the Foundation and JPS Volunteers On Location To Serve (VOLTS), have provided care packages to 200 families in the communities of Flagaman, Bull Savannah, Malvern and Parottee.

To support customers during this period of recovery, JPS will be providing support specifically for the elderly and disabled as well as back-to-school assistance for persons in some communities. These visits will include the distribution of food supplies, tarpaulins, ice and provision of charging stations.

JPS Team members have also been visiting communities to speak with residents about the restoration process while hearing from them what their needs are at this time. So far, JPS teams have visited St Mary, Clarendon, Manchester, and St Elizabeth. Teams will later this week be in Hanover, Westmoreland and some St Elizabeth communities.