Energy Saving Toolkit

How  To Do a Basic Energy Audit At Home

  • List

    Write down a list of everything that uses electricity in your home.

  • View Wattage

    Look for the wattage on that metal plate or sticker under or to the back of your appliance(s).

  • List Hours

    Write down how many hours you use each item for the month.

  • Calculate

    Calculate the kilowatt hours to see which items are using the most.

Calculating your kilowatt hours is easy!

    • Divide the Watt by 1000 to get the kilowatts
      • Eg. Say your iron is 1200 watts then 1200 watts divided by 1000 = 1.2 kilowatts

    • Multiply the kilowatts by the number of hours you used the item for the month. There you have your kilowatts hours!
      • Eg. If you use your iron 8 months for the month:1.2 kilowatts x 8 hours – 9.6 kilowatt hours


Quick Tips For Energy Saving


  • Turn off lights and appliances that are not being used.
  • Use LED bulbs for lighting. LEDs use 75% less energy than incandescent lighting.
  • Use one large wattage lamp instead of several small ones in areas where bright light is needed.
  • Install photoelectric lighting controls for external or security lighting. They automatically turn on lights at nights, and off at daybreak.

    In The Kitchen

    • If you cook with electricity, turn off the burners on your stove a few minutes before the allotted cooking time.
    • Electric stoves use a lot of energy: maximize the use of your electric stove by cooking or baking several dishes at the same time.
    • Use a microwave or pressure cooker to reduce cooking times.
    • Match the cooking pot with the size of your burner.
    • Turn down the burner when water reaches a boiling point.
    • Never boil water in an open pan.
    • Keep the doors of refrigerators closed and don’t open unnecessarily. Do not allow ice to build up in the freezer.
    • Don’t keep your refrigerator or freezer too cold: 38° or 40° is recommended for the fresh food compartment.
    • Keep the doors of refrigerators closed and don’t open unnecessarily. Do not allow ice to build up in the freezer.

      Water Heaters

      • Switch on your electric water heater one hour before use, and switch off immediately after use.
      • Reduce the amount of hot water you use by installing low-flow showerheads on shower outlets, and faucet and sink aerators on bathroom and kitchen pipes.

        Air Conditioning Units & Fans

        • Use your air-conditioning only when necessary – use natural ventilation by opening windows on cooler days.
        • If you don’t need central air-conditioning, consider using fans.
        • Don’t set your air conditioning unit thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn your air conditioner on.
        • Turn off window air conditioners when you leave a room for several hours.
        • Don’t place lamps or television sets near your air conditioning thermostat. Heat from other appliances could cause the air conditioner to work harder and longer than necessary.
        • Reduce your A/C costs and keep your home comfortable by using inexpensive, energy-efficient ceiling fans to circulate the air. This will allow you to have your a/c on less and still feel cool.
        • Turn off your ceiling fan when you leave the room. 
        • When buying a fan, choose the right size for the room. For example: 

          10′ x 10′ room or smaller = 36″ fan

          15′ x 20′ room = 52″ fan

          Rooms larger than 15′ x 20′ = two 52″ fans

          Flat-screen TVs

          The older cathode-ray tube TVs typically use less than 100 watts (W) – about the same as a light bulb. Today’s TVs on the other hand:
          • LCD TVs – the wattage varies by model size: 32-40 inch models average 141 W, 41-50 inches use 185 W, and the average LCD model larger than 50 inches draws over 200 W
          • LED TVs – these use slightly less power than LCD screens of the same size
          • Use one large wattage lamp instead of several small ones in areas where bright light is needed.
          • Plasma TVs – Plasma models without an Energy Star label were historically the highest energy consumers among the flat screen TVs averaging 298 W for 41-50 inch models, and 364 W for the 51-60 inch models. Newer plasma TVs offer energy efficiency levels close to those of the other screen types.

            Video Game Consoles

            • The most advanced gaming consoles purchased in recent years are typically left on most of the time in rest mode when gamers are not playing. It’s best to save progress and turn off your consoles when not in use.

              DVD/Video Players

              • Yes, in 2020 DVD players and VCRs are still in use and are usually left plugged in with the clock blinking. Only plug in for movie time, and chill.

                Surround Sound Audio System

                • Surround sound audio systems can use more than JMD$3,000 in electricity if never turned off; a subwoofer will add another JMD$1,000 if left on.

                  Desktop Computers & Laptops

                  • A desktop computers and laptops left on all the time will use over JMD$2,000 in electricity.  If you enable the automatic sleep mode, you can cut that down per month… and even more if each day you save and shut down.

                    Other Useful Tips

                    • Iron once a week.
                    • Don’t use TV sets as radios – turn off when no one is watching.
                    • Maintain appliances through regular cleaning and servicing.