Commercial Customers


Following on your preliminary request for service we kindly ask that  you supply  these documents:

Our requirements for applying for a new connection or service upgrade are as follows:

An application on your company’s letterhead with the company’s seal affixed and signed by a director and the company secretary. The application letter should include:
  • The address where service is required
  • When the service is needed
  • Name and contact details of person representing the company for the application
  • Load details on the major equipment to be used in your new/expanded facility and the rating in kilovolt amperes (kVA) or ampere (A) units.
  • If applicable, a single line electrical diagram, prepared by a Certified Electrical Engineer, indicating the loading as well as other details for three phase (3) service.
We also ask that you present:
  • A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
  • Tax Registration Number (TRN)
  • Proof of property ownership/Lease agreement
  • Valid identification (A Driver’s Licence, Passport or National Identification) may be applicable in some cases.
  • The Government Electrical Inspection (GEI) Certificate (if available prior to the application). This certificate is applicable for the following conditions:
    • New Building (if there has never been supply or a meter at the location)
    • Premises that has been without electricity for at least one year
    • Premises that has been demolished and reconstructed
    • Premises that has been damaged by fire
    • Premises with an illegal connection
    • You require an upgrade in supply


Line Extensions

In instances where JPS is required to extend or build a line, we will conduct a site visit to determine the extent of required construction. Then, we will provide a quotation along with a Project Proposal Document (PPD) indicating the cost and project timelines for the client to approve. We may require a contribution towards the construction cost. 

Subdivisions, Townhouses and Apartment Complexes

In the case of applications relating to subdivisions, townhouses and apartment complexes, the developer will also need to present a previously checked site plan, proof of ownership or authority to erect distribution infrastructure such as a copy of the title, power of attorney and lease contract. We will also require a surveyor’s report/declaration, ( is this a surveyor’s id report) approval from the Parish Council and an  electronic copy of the electrical distribution design in ACAD 2000 format.

All applicants should consult JPS’ Standard Terms and Conditions document, for important information pertaining to restrictions in the utilization of the electricity supplies offered. Additionally, we recommend that you consult JPS’ Rate Schedule Sheet, which gives specific information on JPS’ myBusiness tariffs (Rate 20, Rate 40 and Rate 50)

Complex Connections – Material Specifications

For Complex Connections, we are now offering you the option to procure all materials required for a project, subject to the materials being in accordance with JPS engineering standards and specifications. Please note that all the material and/or equipment specifications are provided here.

Click Here for Material Specs: CCMA Spec List 

Apply for Service