88% of Customers Connected as JPS enters Day 6 of Restoration

(Kingston – July 10, 2024 / 1:00pm) As at midnight on Tuesday, July 9, JPS has restored service to 88% (or 609,000) customers across the island. JPS restoration teams are now working in all parishes to restore service to the remaining customers.

Blaine Jarrett, senior vice president of energy delivery reaffirmed the light and power company’s resolve to get remaining customers connected to the grid as soon as possible. “Day 6 of restoration works will continue island-wide. As it has been over the last couple of days, our teams continue to do their best to get electricity to communities so normalcy can be restored,” he said.

The main areas in which JPS teams are working over the next 24 – 48 hours include:

KINGSTON & ST. ANDREW: SECTIONS OF: Newcastle, Greenwich, Golden Spring to Mount James, Mavis Bank, Cavaliers Rd, Unity, Border, Woodford, Holt Road, Dewdney Road, Wai Rua Road, Lindo’s Gap, Golden Spring to Mt. James, Glengoffe, Mizpah Road, August Town, Mavis Bank Road to Mavis Bank Square, Lower Irish Town, Mammee River Road off Gordon Town Road, Norman Terrace, Skyline Drive, Nutts River, Somerset, Moffatt, Hill Top 

PORTLAND: SECTIONS OF Zion Hill and Port Antonio, Flat Grass, Hector’s River to Rowlands Field, Grange Hill, Rural Hill, St. Margaret’s Bay to Copper’s Hill, Hope Bay Valley, Buff Bay Valley, Kent to Milbank 

ST. MARY: ECTIONS OF: Upton, Exchange, Retreat to Charles Town, Richmond Area, Guys Hill, White Hall, Eden Hill, Kidland, Rio Nuevo Resort, Canoe Pond to Airy Hill, Broadgate, Quebec, Bellevue to Lucky Hill, Three Hills to Industry Pen 

ST. THOMAS: SECTIONS OF: Llandewey to Windsor Forest, Port Morant to Bath, Golden Grove to Rocky Point, Cedar Valley to Penlyne Castle, Spring Garden Bottom, Arcadia, Bowden, Spring Bank, Castle Hill, New Road, Bath Fountain Road, Beacon Hill, Mansfield, Panton Town, Grossett, Aeolus Valley, Cambridge Hill, Logwood Piece, Goat Ridge, River Head, Ward River , Cabbage Hill Communication Tower, New England NWC Plant

ST. CATHERINE: SECTIONS OF: Spanish Town Bypass, Fort Street, Linstead, Riversdale Main Road, Hartlands Main Road, Port Esquivel, Abby Gardens, St. Johns, Lluidas Vale, Amity Hall, Point Hill, Juandebolas, Gordon Hill, Dinthill NWC Plant, Twickenham Police Academy, Aviary Sewage Plant

CLARENDON: SECTIONS OF: Morgans Pass, Colonels Ridge, Brandon Hill, Kellits, Lionel Town, Monymusk, Four Paths, Victoria, St. Jago Road, Duke Street, Comfort Road, Clarendon Park,  

Hayes, Corn Piece, Raymonds Housing Scheme, St. Johns, Lluidas Vale, Johnson Funeral Home off Muirhead 

MANCHESTER: SECTIONS OF: Woodlawn Road to Georges Valley, Pigeon Grove, Greenvale Housing Scheme, McKinley, Hopeton Development, Baptist Road, Hopeton from Wagon Wheel, Greenvale Road, Kingsland, Hatfield, Caledonia Road, New Green, Ingleside, Upper Mount Nelson, Manchester Road, Balvenie, Bloomfield Street, Grey Ground, Williamsfield, Porus, Patrick Road, Clarks Town, Brumalia Road, Porus to Berrydale District, Woodlawn Road – Georges Valley, Chevery, Kingsland NWC Relift, Spur Tree Gas Station 

WESTMORELAND: SECTIONS OF: Llandilo to Nonpareil, Shrewsbury to Roaring River, Whithorn to Mackfield

ST. ANN: SECTIONS OF: Top Road, Brown’s Town to Alexandria, New Banks to Liberty, Moneague, Riverhead, Friendship to Alexandria, Alexandria Hospital 

HANOVER: Sandy Bay, Black Gate, Haddington, High Level Road  

TRELAWNY: Duansvale, Zion Road, Greenside,Ulster Spring, Alps 

ST. JAMES: Montego Hills, Irwindale, Orange, King St., Chelsea Irwin, Cambridge, Copperwood, Kensington, Pointe Cotton Tree 

Customers can get further updates and make reports via the MyJPS Mobile App, social media channels and @myjpsonline.